5 Easy Ways To Improve Your Room Aesthetic

Now that we are spending extended periods of time at home, it’s time to look inwards and around to see where changes can be made in our work and living spaces. You don’t have to be an interior designer or create a Pinterest board with a million pins (although you can definitely use our Room Inspo and Apartment Inspo boards for some ideas). Here are five easy ways to make your bedroom space more visually appealing that will not take away from your personal style.

1. Neutral or cohesive bedding

As one of the largest pieces of furniture in a bedroom, the patterns and colours of your bed can easily drives the feel of the room but just as easily throw everything off balance. By opting for neutral bedding or strategically choosing patterns and colours for your sheets, you can control the energy and aesthetic of your room.

Here are some options you may like:

2. Framed photos/art prints

Frames and artwork are a great way to fill spaces on walls, shelves, dressers and study desks. Ideally I reach for framed quotes or line/watercolor graphics in a black frame to achieve a modern and minimalistic look. Vintage frames and personal photos also add a great touch, be sure to pick your images carefully to suit your room aesthetic.

Check out some of these super affordable photo frames and panels:

3. Plants

Adding some greenery to your space brings in some freshness without the overly “earthy” vibes. I love adding new artificial plants with different styles of plant holders to my room however I was recently gifted a Build-Your-Own-Terrarium kit (linked in the panels just below) that changed the game for me! This kit is not only fun to put together, but it brings a bit of the great outdoors into your space through the transparent glass. I highly recommend this if you are not keen on artificial plants. Another great option I recently ordered (linked in the first image panel below) are stalks of pampas grass. These cream and beige coloured fronds have won me over and I cannot WAIT to receive them!

Here are the items I mentioned along with some succulents and plant holders to go with your plants:

4. Light, White and Bright

Creating more light is probably one of the easier ways improve aesthetics, but with a caveat. Unfortunately I am laden with a basement window, so there is only so much opening a curtain can do. However this is not the only way. The trick, you ask? Mirrors, colours and lights!

Large mirrors, such as a full-length mirror create the illusion of a larger space by reflecting light. I have full-length sliding mirrors on my closet doors that achieve this however I found that on simply adjustment made a huge difference. I recently purchased white cotton curtains to cover both doors – sound a bit counter intuitive? In fact, colours, specifically white, can also have an aesthetically pleasing spacious effect in any space. Not to mention, the curtains gave the impression that there could be a larger world to discover just behind them.

5. Reduce clutter

Aesthetic spaces have a balance of colours, textures, and negative space. Contrary to popular belief, creating negative space does not always mean a switch to minimalism. You can create more space by compartmentalizing (think of placing all your bottles of nail polish into a cute rattan basket instead of displaying them individually on your dresser), stacking things on top of each other (similar to stacking acrylic organizers vertically) and creating distance between large objects (spreading framed prints across several walls as opposed to placing all on one wall).

Here are my room and apartment inspo pinterest boards for some inspiration to create YOUR ideal aesthetic space:



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