Hey ATBA family!
Welcome! Happy New Year! To be fair I started writing this post in January 2022, came back to it in April, and now its November 2022 but we move!
It’s so good to be back writing and blogging, and sooo much has happened since my last post. This post will be a little bit of an update and what you can expect (or not expect ?) from ATBA moving forward.
First of all, I LOVE blogging. I would normally say I’m not a writer (scientific writing has showed me pepper over the past three years) and I truly want to improve my writing skills (creative and business) but blogging has a different feel where words flow more effortlessly – picture a free-flowing fountain spout but powered by pure joy. I have contemplated other platforms and styles of media but nothing quite compares to the assembly of words and pictures on a crisp digital background and of course the intimate experience of reading ones inner thoughts and life details like a vintage romance novel.
This platform was once my pride and joy. Other projects have now forced a brutal tie but as I mentioned, blogging will always have a special place in my heart. I had always dreamed of growing a close-knit community with like-minded women but was not sure how to cultivate it with my blog. Along the way life events, school, work etc. happened and I could think of initiating such a project.
BUUUUT you did not come here to hear my ramble about being absent. You’re probably wondering – girl where you been? how you been? and what are you doing? I gotcha reader! I come bearing answers – we will keep it short form, I promise.
A Whole New Grad
Ya girl is done that MSc! Can we just give a standing ovation for God?!?! It was overall a terrific experience (I’m writing this on a good day) and to be finished is a huge milestone that I often thought would never come.
He Put a Ring On It!
Yes.. me too I’m screaming/in shock/still perplexed – this blogger babe is traditionally married and is soon to be a Yoruba Man’s Igbo Wife (YMIW). Again, did my God not work wonders?!?! More on him later, but y’all I’m slowly getting used to the idea of a new family, new culture, new lifestyle and boy has it been a learning experience. I hope to go into more details later but there is so much about living with, accommodating, prioritizing, and loving another person that I’m shocked I hadn’t been privy to until now.
The cultural and faith differences, and the looming thought of the end of my “single independent woman” era are areas I wish I could talk about with more women who have been through the same in this generation and there is still so much for me to learn. Nevertheless, we have a wedding planner and planing has begun in earnest.
Baking is My Business
2020 caught me in an awkward place but we bounced back hard in 2021 with a whole new BAKING BUSINESS! Cakeology YYC took the world by storm in April 2021 and it is mind-blowing how much has happened within the business almost 1 year later (1.5 years in November actually). We have been featured in magazines, interviewed, reposted, liked and loved all over the internet – again my God did not hold back! My vision is to be established as a luxury wedding cake designer making custom pieces from the custom of my home with flair and finesse. Be sure to check out the website and let me know what you think!
November Edit: The cake business is currently paused for reasons described in the next two sub-topics…
We Stan a Corporate Babe
In other news, ya girl was inducted and graciously welcomed into the corporate world at the end of last year – yes, a whole 9-5 is now on my daily agenda! Are you now seeing that I’m God’s favourite daughter?!? I was delighted to accept a position with a Vancouver-based company and my experience so far has been enlightening. To say the least, God has favoured my every move and all the lines have fallen in pleasant places right from day 1. We finished this quarter very strong with managers I had never even spoken to sending me messages remarking on my latest proposals and projects. If only I could tell my 2020 self of the wonders that were soon to come.
November Edit: MBA babe
It’s crazy, writing the skeleton for this post in April, I had NO idea that by the end of the year I would be back in school and for an MBA of all things! Again Sky Daddy, I mezuola! You have over done what you do best! I can’t talk enough about the gifts and blessings I’ve been given. Needless to say, its a busy time and work is being done on all fronts. I would also love to talk more about this in a different post but until then.
and Everything Else…
Philipians 1:6 tells us that He who has started such wondrous and marvellous works in us will be faithful to see it to completion. Two things I have learned in the past 6 months are 1. Always set your sights on God, tell him what you need and trust that He will show up and show out. 2. You are the main character in your life and in your story, you define the narrative. Choosing to show up for myself and partner with God has led to a much happier lifestyle, one I have always dreamed of.
It is coming up to 2 years since I moved out on my own and although my bucket list of dreams is slowly being fulfilled, I believe I have so much more in store. I hope you will continue to follow my journey and let it encourage you, please feel free to interact in the comments or follow me on social media – let’s light this spark that is life together.
With Love, Mrs. Slim (to be)