Travel Africa: Oraukwu Village, Nigeria Photo Diary

Travel Africa: Oraukwu Village, Nigeria Photo Diary

With week 3 of quarantine in full force, I think I’m starting to forget that there is life beyond the walls of my home (read: bedroom). Looking back at this photo diary and even while…

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March 31, 2020
14 Ways To Make Self-Isolation More Productive

14 Ways To Make Self-Isolation More Productive

For those of us that pride ourselves on our “booked and busy” schedules, the next few weeks, possibly months, are looking to be a very uncomfortable time. If your nickname is “waka about” i.e. always…

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March 15, 2020
8 Things They Don’t Tell You About Grad School

8 Things They Don’t Tell You About …

My grad school experience so far has been nothing short of amazing – that’s not to say there hasn’t been ups and downs but my MINDSET is what has pulled me through. I believe that…

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March 7, 2020